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My Life As A Human

cuti yg xbes
Friday, 18 March 2011 | 0 comment(s)
cuti skeloh kli ni xbes pun..mntg2 la stdent f5..btol2 ad byk homework..cuti pun xase cm cuti..huhhh~
smggu ni asyik duk wt homework j tpi xciap2 jgk..hahahahah..2 r yg lwok nye..esk lok ad kels  kimia...ptg cm bese ad 2syen..f5 btol2 bz..xad ag mse utk maen2..tpi ari rbu 16/3 still leh g hangout dgn kwn2..bes 2 wlaupun xckup sowg kwn baek..ap2 pun cuti ni singkat..npe x cti 2 mggu k?? sebuln pun bes..hahahahahahah..6t la aq wt skull sndri pasti leh j cti bler2 mse kn??  ckup r stkt ni dlu..huhuhu..dh leth blebel cm ni..skrg nk smbung wt homework blik...chill~

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